Hoover BUCS Youth Cheer
We take pride in teaching young athletes the essential skills to leading a crowd of sports fans. Each cheerleader learns important life skills such as teambuilding and leadership, while learning cheers, proper motions, as well as jumping techniques.
Our program is open to 2024 1st - 6th graders only.

Costs and Expenses
Fall 2024 is NOT a new uniform year. 2023 uniforms will be used for the 2024 season.
$350 2024 New Cheer Registration Includes:
- New Uniform: Top (Shell), Skirt, Briefs, Midriff, Bow & Backpack.
- Cheer Camp: TBD
- Practice Space
- Practice Shirt & shorts
- End of season trophy
- HBYC Registration Fee (Includes insurance, park fees, field maintenance)
$250 2024 Returning Cheer Registration Includes:
- Cheer Camp: TBD
- Accessory Package: Briefs, Midriff & Bow
- Practice Space
- Practice Shirt & shorts
- End of season trophy
- HBYC Registration Fee (Includes fees incurred by park & insurance)
2024 Competition Season!
Competition is available for those interested in expanding their skill sets and technique through a more competitive cheer experience. These cheerleaders will participate in the Fall season sideline squad but will have additional requirements for later in the season.
Requirements for competition squads
- Must attend one of the mandatory tryout sessions to be held on May 5, 2024 and May 9, 2024. Small dance routine and cheer will be sent prior to tryouts.
- Approximately $145/girl competition entry cost once competition events are scheduled. Opportunities to sell t-shirts/spirit items, and/or sponsorships will be available.
- Includes competition midriff, bow, competition fees, choreography & music rights.
- Mandatory Choreography Day (TBD)
- Additional mandatory competition practices with be scheduled starting at the same time as sideline practice, July 28, 2024. These practices will be scheduled on Sunday as well and may be called any day of the week and multiple times per week in the October/November timeframe depending on the coach as competitions come closer.
- 2 Competitions: November (TBD)
- Be sure to mark interest in competition during the registration process to receive more detailed updates via email and check back here as more detail will be posted soon.
Other Expenses:
- Up to $30 -$40 Squad Extras during Fall 2023. $10 for pink October items plus $25 misc (Homecoming, team party, and/or spirit items). TBD by your coach.
- Optional HBYC Inclement Weather Jacket for Fall 2023 (same jacket used since 2020). This is the only jacket allowed on the sidelines for the season.
For Cheer questions contact hbycheerleading@gmail.com
Fall 2024 Season Information
Camp, Practice, and Game Schedule
- Camp will be a Thursday evening. Friday evening & Saturday morning in mid to late July. Time: TBD. Location: Brock's Gap Intermediate School
- Practice takes place every Sunday starting 7/28 at Brocks Gap Intermediate School. Time: TBD.
- Games start the second week of August. Games will be on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday at either 6pm or 7:30pm. They may not be on the same night each week, we DO NOT make the schedule.
- Schedule will be available 1-2 weeks prior to start of season. The game schedule is determined by the Jefferson/Shelby Youth Football League. Therefore, we do not know the days or times of games until the schedule is released in Early August. We will no longer be cheering at away games unless determined by your coach.
- Mandatory uniform fitting: All cheerleaders must attend one of the two days to be fitted for a uniform. Dates: TBD. Location: Brock's Gap Intermediate School
Parent Volunteer Opportunities
- Work T-shirt tables at games and/or other events
- Homecoming preparations and activities
- Picture Day
- End of Season Party preparation and attendance
- Gameday and practice assistants
- Uniform fitting assistants
- Cheer camp assistants